Business results of joint stock company Ericsson Nikola Tesla in Q1 2014

April 29, 2014

Gordana Kovačević, the President of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, commented on the Company’s performance: “Ericsson Nikola Tesla continued a solid business performance in Q1 2014, despite the current market environment. A significant increase in sales revenue was achieved in the domestic market, amounting to 37%. Ericsson market has a positive trend and an increase in revenue, as planned.”

We achieved a net profit of MHRK 34.1, which accounts for 10.8 % return on sales. We ended the quarter with a solid balance sheet and equity ratio of 69%. Total cash funds, including short term financial assets at the end of Q1 amount to MHRK 523.2, which is 51% of total assets. Thanks to a healthy financial situation and a high level of liquid assets, we can this year again, provide exceptional return on investment to our shareholders.

We remain focused on strengthening our position and sales in new and targeted areas for telecom operators (4GIP, OSS/BSS, TV and media distribution, network design and optimization and managed services) and in the segment regarding industry and society (health, e-business systems, safety). We still remain focused on operational efficiency, profitability and risk management. 

This year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona was the telecommunication industry central spot to get acquainted with the solutions and applications, which show the kind of possibilities the future brings. Ericsson presented a range of novelties, such as an extremely fast mobile broadband access, world firsts in LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation and Coordinated Radio Access Network, Global Network Operations Center with live data from a real network, the latest achievements in LTE Broadcast and digital signing. Furthermore, expect for presenting Ericsson PSI Coverage Solution implemented in Vipnet network, solutions and applications were presented, in which Ericsson Nikola Tesla experts participated on preparation and development.

I would like to highlight that, throughout the innovation programs and processes and individual employee goals; we encourage the development of innovative organizational culture. In doing so, we put the emphasis on two main areas: improvement/ growth of business and improvement of the way of working. 

In a transforming ICT market, we are well positioned as a reliable partner to our Customers in recognizing new market opportunities.”
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla