EHE products

Products for healthcare system transformation.

Electronic Healthcare Exchange (EHE) enables the digital transformation of healthcare systems and healthcare organizations in the following areas:

EHE products are based on internationally recognized open standards in health informatics (HL7 FHIR) and widely used and proven practices in the integration of business processes, data, applications and information systems and technologies (IHE integration profiles).

Different EHE products, stand-alone or integrated with the existing infrastructure are used in solutions, for support of a wide range of healthcare processes.

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The following products make up the EHE line:

EHE Document Registry and Repository

Enables the exchange and processing of health documents in a standardized manner in accordance with the IHE MHD integration profile (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, Mobile access to Health Documents), and their storage in the central registry and repository of clinical and health documents in accordance with the HL7 FHIR standard.

EHE FHIR Repository

A specialized database that enables management and storage of various types of data used in healthcare processes (clinical, administrative, public health, research, etc.), in accordance with the norm HL7 FHIR R4 (4.0.1).

EHE Health Integration Gateway

Enables safe and reliable connection of information systems and applications in healthcare, based on IHE integration profiles, HL7 FHIR standard and standards in healthcare.

EHE Healthcare Entities Register

Enables retrieval, search, storage and updating of data on healthcare providers (health professionals, healthcare organizations and organizations in healthcare) based on the HL7 FHIR standard and the IHE mCSD integration profile.

EHE Infrastructure

Enables efficient and reliable exchange of information among the information system parts, simple installation and configuration of individual modules and system services, as well as monitoring and management of the information system and all its elements.

EHE Medical Records Database

Enables management of medical data at the level of structured data subsets that represent certain entities or events in the healthcare system in the form of HL7 FHIR resources as well as access to that data via an integration interface based on the IHE QEDm integration profile.

EHE Persons and Patients Register

A register of identification and administrative data on patients and persons based on the FHIR standard and the IHE PIXm, PDQm and PMIR integration profiles.

EHE Security

Enables the definition and implementation of security rules for information access, exchange and storage. EHE security supports the implementation of security rules based on the IHE IUA integration profile and the recommendations of the HL7 FHIR standard (SMART on FHIR Backend Services Implementation Profile) for components of other products from the EHE portfolio or for components developed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla or other providers.

EHE Terminology Services

Based on the HL7 FHIR standard and the IHE SVCM integration profile, enable centralized management of terminology (coding systems, sets of terms or concepts, and maps of terms or concepts) and its use.

EHE Clinical Decision Support System

A generic system based on the HL7 FHIR standard and the HL7 CDS Hooks specification for managing, storing and retrieving clinical and healthcare information needed when deciding on the type and manner of providing healthcare to patients. Combines clinical knowledge with information from a patient’s healthcare record thus providing health professionals with information necessary to select the most effective and efficient personalized healthcare for the patient.

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