Participation in a cyber security conference in Kosovo
December 2, 2024
Ericsson Nikola Tesla participated in the Second Cyber Security Conference in Kosovo in mid-November.
The conference brought together more than 400 participants, including leading regional experts and industry leaders, to discuss challenges and innovations in digital protection. It also provided a powerful platform for sharing knowledge and strategies for protecting critical systems and data in an increasingly connected world.
ENT was represented by Hrvoje Marinović with the topic 5G Security: Addressing Key Vulnerabilities in 5G Device, API, and IoT Ecosystems. Hrvoje highlighted key steps for strengthening security in the application of future technologies. He emphasized the holistic application of security principles in all solutions delivered to customers of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
The conference was organized by the IPKO operator, with whom Ericsson Nikola Tesla has had a high-quality partnership for several years.
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla