Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s new activities worth almost EUR 14 million
September 23, 2024
Ericsson Nikola Tesla contracted new jobs in the field of digital transformation and modernization, expansion and maintenance of mobile networks.
A contract was signed with the company Logicom Solutions from Cyprus on the replacement of the land administration information system of the Department of Lands and Surveys of Cyprus. The client of the mentioned solution is the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus.
The replacement and expansion of the existing sensor system for vehicle detection in street parking lots was contracted with the company Split parking d.o.o.
With the operator HT Mostar from Bosnia and Herzegovina, new jobs related to the expansion of the operator’s radio access network and transmission network were contracted, and with the operator IPKO from Kosovo, cooperation continues with activities related to the maintenance of this operator’s network and the expansion of the functionality of its core network.
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla