Ericsson Nikola Tesla and FER open Inventorium, a scientific and research laboratory
June 12, 2024
The opening of a joint scientific and research laboratory officially marked the beginning of another collaboration between Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb with the aim of forming a stronger link between science and the economy as a predisposition for the development of society.
A Memorandum of Understanding on the development of new models of cooperation in teaching and research as part of the Inventorium program was signed today in Zagreb between the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb. With that, the joint scientific research laboratory Inventorium was officially opened, representing a key location for the work of innovative experts on the development of new technologies. The goal of this cooperation is a closer connection of science and economy as a predisposition for local and national economic development and the development of the knowledge society that we strive for.In order to strengthen mutual cooperation, Inventorium – a scientific and research laboratory – was established, and it is located on Ericsson Nikola Tesla premises. The name itself is coined from the English word “invent” and the Latin word “laboratorium”, and represents a technological laboratory where innovative ideas for the future are created. It will be used for research activities, and it will enable researchers to work on the development of the latest ICT technologies. There is equipment with which students can analyze network availability and characteristics, and the plan is to start developing additional analytical methods and by using artificial intelligence predict network behaviors and automate characteristics for optimum communication user experience. This will enable creation and implementation of new ideas and obtaining new research results.
The company Ericsson Nikola Tesla has been actively cooperating with the academia for several decades, which, among other things, strengthens the innovation potential, enables the transfer of knowledge and technology, and the development of quality experts. The opening of the Inventorium is a continuation of our successful partnership with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, which has lasted for more than 60 years and has so far included successful scientific research, development and educational forms of cooperation and knowledge exchange.
“I am extremely happy about the long-term successful cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb. I believe that the scientific and research laboratory Inventorium will further strengthen our cooperation and open up new possibilities of working on joint projects, thus enabling the creation and realization of new ideas and the creation of new research results. The space, equipment, knowledge and support of our employees are made available for various forms of activities that we will continue to jointly consider and define in a partnership relationship in order to further strengthen our teams for additional strides in the research area of the development of new technologies,” emphasized Gordana Kovačević, MSc, President of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Prof. Vedran Bilas, PhD, dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, expressed his satisfaction with the continuation of the successful multidecade partnership and pointed out: “Croatia can develop technologically only if there is an environment and interaction of entrepreneurs, companies and academic institutions with high ambitions and excellent results. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb (FER) is also recognized for its cooperation with the economy, and strengthening and expanding this cooperation is one of our strategic goals. The decades-long partnership between FER and Ericsson Nikola Tesla can serve as an example of good practice as it includes numerous models of cooperation in research, education and innovation, which is continuously supplemented and developed, and which significantly contributes to the creation of talents and the development of their careers. We are particularly pleased that the new laboratory opens up opportunities for multidisciplinary research.”
At the official opening of the Inventorium, which was attended by numerous representatives of the academic community, businessmen and other distinguished guests, some advanced innovative ICT solutions were presented that put technology at the service of citizens and future generations and improve people’s lives by creating new value for the social community.
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla