New contracts in the field of land administration
July 15, 2021
Ericsson Nikola Tesla signed a contract worth over HRK 14 million (VAT excluded) with the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration and a contract worth over HRK 612,000 (VAT excluded) with the State Geodetic Administration.
The contract which was signed with the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration is related to system design, development and implementation services in the framework of the “Land Registry Data Management” project. The project is co-financed by EU funds under the Operational program Competitiveness and cohesion 2014-2020. The project aims at setting up a system to manage land registry data by electronic services between the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration and the State Geodetic Administration as the providers of data (i.e. service) to other state administration bodies and other defined users. Setting up this interoperable system to manage land registry data as part of the Joint Information System of Land Registry and Cadaster (JIS) is an essential prerequisite for accelerating economic activity.
The contract which was signed with the State Geodetic Administration is related to upgrading JIS with new functionalities as part of the World Bank Loan for Integrated Land Administration System Project. One of the upgrades is related to new purposes of surveys and certificates. In this way, geodetic contractors will be allowed to carry out and submit geodetic surveys for different purposes when such surveys are made without surveying. The other upgrade is related to underground buildings. As part of this upgrade, support will be provided to keeping records of underground buildings in JIS as such buildings have their own particularities that are not supported today, such as restrictions on the display of underground buildings that extend below several plots of land, lack of possibility to correctly state the surface area of a building, lack of possibility to apply suitable controls, etc.
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla