Continuation of collaboration on the project “Strengthening surveillance of the state border through the procurement of a thermovision camera on a trailer with a field vehicle”

July 3, 2019

Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia and a group of economic operators headed by Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., whose members are Securitas Hrvatska d.o.o. and Hidraulika Promet d.o.o., have signed a supply contract with the aim to implement the project “Strengthening surveillance of the state border through the procurement of a thermovision camera on a trailer with a field vehicle”. The purpose of the project is to protect the state border, i.e. establish surveillance of the state border in accordance with Schengen standards.

The continuation of collaboration relates to the procurement of thermovision cameras on trailers with field vehicles as well as equipping the state border with mobile thermovision systems having highly sophisticated video equipment, connected to the central national and local coordination centers for state border surveillance. The contract is worth HRK 37 million (VAT excluded) and is co-financed by the Internal Security Fund – The instrument for financial support for external borders and visa (ISF Border). The foreseen duration of the project is from Q4 2018 to Q4 2019.

Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla