Gordana Kovačević receives PRO PR Vision Manager Award
April 24, 2019
PRO PR Vision Manager Award for transparency in communication has been handed out for seven consecutive years. This year, the title of a PRO PR Vision Manager was awarded to the president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla Ms Gordana Kovačević. As stated in the explanation by the committee members, “in the management process over all these years, she has given a very important role to transparent communication, using different techniques and tools towards all the targeted members of the public in a sincere, comprehensible and transparent way, and has inspired the business community with the messages she has communicated.”
On the occasion of receiving the award, Gordana Kovačević said: “I would like to thank the organizing committee for presenting me with the PRO PR Vision Manager Award. This year, Ericsson Nikola Tesla celebrates being 70 years in successful business. I am certain that communication towards all stakeholders is one of the factors which has contributed to our success and sustainable development. I am proud that the community of experts has recognized this. This award is not only an acknowledgment to me, but also an additional motivation for me and my team to continue with our work in a responsible, professional and quality manner.”

The award was presented by the president of the organizing committee Danijel Koletić. In addition to the award, the winner received a unique statuette sculpted by a student attending the Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka. The statuette was made as part of the Arts&Business program, in which works of art made by the students at the Academy represent their active inclusion in the business community, which also provides support to art. Previous winners of this prestigious award were Jože Mermal, Emil Tedeschi, Edhem Fočo, Darko Šket, Esad Zaimović, Martina Bienenfeld and Andrej Jovanović.

Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla