What can you do to protect our water?

March 22, 2019

You are probably familiar with the fact that Croatia has the third highest volume of water resources and the largest freshwater supplies per inhabitant in the EU. We also have the shortest river in the world – Ombla river with a course that is approximately 30 meters long. Did you know that our deepest lake, which is 84 m deep at only 14 m above the sea level, is not located on the mainland but on the island of Cres? It shares its name with the largest lake in Croatia, located approximately 200 kilometers away – Vransko jezero, near Biograd. This is one of the largest winter homes for birds.

Did you know that in its list of world heritage, biosphere reserves (MAB) and wetlands of international importance (Ramsar), UNESCO lists seven particularly valuable and protected areas in Croatia? Many companies focus on sustainability and preservation of nature. In view of this, it should be noted that last year Ericsson Nikola Tesla received an award at Bled Water Festival for WaterQ project which promotes the availability of drinking water and protection of natural resources as well as their sustainable development.

Have you ever wondered what is it that you personally can do to protect these resources? Regardless of your answer to this question, World Water Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on your contribution and stick to your decisions consistently and at all times. According to official data, every year approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our rivers, lakes, and seas, forming enormous patches of floating plastic, which can take up from several dozens to as much as a thousand years to decompose. It subsequently turns into micro- and nanoplastics, endangering millions of marine organisms, as well as birds, and indirectly interfering with our hormones and our bodies through bisphenol.

You still believe that these are global trends that might not concern you? Regrettably, recent research has shown that in Telašćica Nature Park microplastics have been found in nearly 90 percent of samples. So, don’t allow that your discarded plastic bag, straw, or plastic glass becomes a part of such statistics which is unsustainable in the long run. The fact that at the national level our results regarding waste sorting and recycling are very poor should not exempt us from liability. Don’t choose to do nothing just because you are not able to do everything you want to. Reducing the use of plastic items, particularly avoiding the use of disposable plastic, in addition to disposing of the ones that you really need into recycling containers, is a good first step. So, let’s get started.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla Communications