Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Vipnet Continue Collaboration in RAN Segment

September 11, 2017

Vipnet chose Ericsson Nikola Tesla to further develop its radio access network. The long-term frame agreement encompasses modernization and expansion of this Croatian operator’s radio access network by using state-of-the-art technologies from Ericsson’s extensive portfolio. The contracted works will enable a further increase of transfer speeds and the enhancement of user experience for Vipnet users across Croatia.

Based on Ericsson Radio System line of products, intended for radio part of mobile networks, Vipnet will have at their disposal a flexible solution adaptable to future needs on the road towards 5G, enabling cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency.

From left to right: Tomislav Makar, glavni direktor za Tehniku Vipneta, Jiří Dvorjančanský, predsjednik Uprave Vipneta, Gordana Kovačević, predsjednica Ericssona Nikole Tesle, Johannes Kandera, glavni direktor za Financije Vipneta, Miroslav Kantolić, direktor prodaje i marketinga za Vipnet, Ericsson Nikola Tesla

Gordana Kovačević, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, commented on the signed contract: “I am pleased that we have continued our long-term successful collaboration with Vipnet, our strategic partner, in introducing attractive services. Experts from both the companies have jointly, based on Ericsson’s advanced technology, enabled many innovative services on the Croatian market. This contract represents a natural continuation of our collaboration and a strategic framework for new successes.”

Jiří Dvorjančanský, CEO of Vipnet said: “Vipnet is already offering the fastest mobile 4G+/LTE network in Croatia with speed up to 300 Mbit/s. Next step is the development of the 5G network. Our plans are to combine fixed and mobile infrastructure and to offer a combo of fiber and superfast mobile access to 1.2 million households by the end of 2020. Vipnet wants to be a partner to the Government in further development of broadband network in Croatia using EU funding. These investments will increase overall competitiveness of Croatia and will also enable the creation of the gigabit society in Croatia. Agreement with Ericsson Nikola Tesla will help us achieve these goals.

Tomislav Makar, CTO in Vipnet commented on the agreement: “We are pleased with this cooperation with Ericsson Nikola Tesla because of global experience in developing cutting-edge technology. There are three key reasons behind this cooperation. The society is digitalizing very fast and telecom operators are at the forefront of this process. Vipnet wants to stay leader in building modern digital society. Secondly, with the development of new technologies, Vipnet will continue to connect people and things using high throughput, capacity and quality broadband. The third reason is that this partnership will be used to transform 4G network toward LTE Advanced Pro and 5G networks based on latest advanced radio functionalities such as: massive MIMO, advanced antenna technology and new access network architecture. This heterogenic network with its superb technologically advanced functionalities, will enable Vipnet`s experts to continue providing leading customer experience in Croatia.”

Miroslav Kantolić, Director Sales&Marketing Vipnet, Ericsson Nikola Tesla said: “It is always a great pleasure to sign such contracts, primarily because they reaffirm a long-term partnership and provide additional motivation for the whole team of colleagues, who contribute to a partnership environment by their devotion to the work they do. We use this opportunity to thank them for that. New technologies are always a challenge and a place for innovations. I am pleased that Vipnet has decided to continue its partnership with Ericsson Nikola Tesla in creating new values and providing best communication services to users in Croatia.”

Ericsson Nikola Tesla Communications