Gordana Kovačević once again named the most powerful woman in Croatian business
December 2, 2016
For the twelfth consecutive year, business magazine Lider, in cooperation with Bisnode, has made a list of 300 most powerful women in Croatian business, on the basis of their managing power as one of the main criteria. Based on this, and several other “soft” criteria, a list comprising 10 most powerful women in Croatian business was made. The second year in a row, number one on the list went to Gordana Kovačić, MSc, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Miodrag Šajatović, editor-in-chief at Lider, presented Gordana Kovačević the award at the “Women in Business” conference.
The situation regarding gender equality within managing structures, both on global and national level, has slowly, but steadily changed for the better, which is why nowadays there is 25 percent women in management. By visualizing the success of Croatian women managers, business women are encouraged to undertake new endeavors and assume stronger leadership, which is the overall aim of the “Women in Business” conference.
Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, president of the Republic of Croatia, actively expressed her support for the business women gathered at the conference.
For the second year in a row, president of Ericsson Nikola Tesla has been named the most powerful woman in Croatian business. At Lider and Bisnode, Gordana Kovačević is considered to be an inspiring leader, meeting several of their criteria. Over the many years being a leader, she has strengthened the position her company has within the global Ericsson, and delivered impressive business results. As one of few women in ICT sector occupying a high position, she is an advocate for a larger number of women in this highly perspective industry.
Giving her speech on the award, Gordana Kovačević said to women: “Business women which have received awards today, as well as all other women that were in competition with them, have had their own unique way of growth and development. There are many beautiful stories here, as well as results and reasons to feel satisfied. We should be proud and share our experiences as a good example of saying ‘It can be done.’
I know that nowadays in certain propulsive and promising domains, such as STEM, there is a lack of experts, especially women experts. This is why, today there is an even bigger and historic opportunity for women to enter the world of technology and business due to the fact that they have the same predispositions and prospect to succeed in it, just like men. However, it is important that women take that step because they want to, not because there is a quota introduced. We should encourage establishing and maintaining social relations where everyone would have an equal opportunity to work, to prove themselves and advance regardless of the fact where they were born, raised, educated and work, or whether they are men or women.
I have tied my career to Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Ericsson corporation. This means that I work in a predominantly male ICT industry, where there is eighty percent of men and twenty percent women working; this is simply a consequence of the fact that women less often choose to study science, especially technology studies. Consequently, there is less women on the labor market in this segment. However, neither me nor my women colleagues have seen this as an obstacle. Furthermore, I believe we were given an opportunity to show how much we know, can, and want, and how creative we are. In this context, I consider these awards that were presented today a useful and important contribution to boost women’s self-confidence and an incentive to women so that, when they bring crucial decisions, take into account that success is defined by knowledge and ability, results and good relations between people.”
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla