B2B RUN: Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group Wins Two Categories
September 20, 2016
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group team has won the first place in B2B RUN race in the category of large companies, as well as in women’s competition. Congratulations to all our participants on this success, especially to Nikolina, Marin and Dragan! By participating in this type of races, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group promotes a healthy lifestyle and stress prevention.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group team has won the first place in B2B RUN race in the category of large companies, as well as in women’s competition. Our team had over 30 runners, both women and men, and overall team results were determined based on the total time of the three members with the best time of the company’s team. In Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group it was Nikolina Šustić Stanković who won in women’s competition and Marin Koceić and Dragan Banić who had excellent results in men’s competition. Congratulations to all our participants on this success! B2B RUN was launched last year as the first business race aimed for employees of companies registered in the Republic of Croatia. This year, over 3,000 people from more over 280 companies participated in this race. By participating and winning in this race, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group employees confirmed that, along with excellence in business, they promote a healthy lifestyle as a form of stress prevention. Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla