MIPRO 2016
June 10, 2016
Last week in Opatija, the 39th MIPRO was held, which is the biggest non-commercial convention on information and communication technology in this part of Europe. It gathered some 1 200 experts, and around 400 papers published in the Conference proceedings in electronic form were sent from around thirty countries. The specificity of this convention has always been, and still is, a clear connection of technological and scientific novelties with different ways of their use in practice. This year’s MIPRO was organized in the form of ten consultation sessions dedicated to particular areas of high technology, several round tables, workshops, seminars, fora, and thematic days dedicated to currently important topics. Ericsson Nikola Tesla is traditionally an active participant and sponsor of the conference dedicated to main ICT trends in industry, science, education, and public administration.
Among numerous papers presented by our experts, their moderating of two consultation sessions, and other activities in which experts from our Company participated, we would like to especially point out a plenary discussion dedicated to digital transformation of businesses, which aimed to answer the question as to how to accelerate the industrial development through collaboration between the economy, universities, and public administration.
One of the participants of the panel discussion in the role of the representative of good economic practice was Gordana Kovačević, President of our Company. Gordana Kovačević used several examples to point out that digital transformation enables a much faster decision making, and of better quality, as well as to highlight the benefits of the process, which enables our advantages – such as innovativeness and creativity – to reach their full potential.
Special attention was given to the participation of Milan Živković, Director Strategy&Business Development at our Company, and Jelena Jurišić, Manager EP E-Business Solutions, in an excellently moderated forum on Internet management. Discussion about topics related to human rights on the Internet, network neutrality, public administration open data, and arbitral settlement of disputes in .hr domain, connected a circle of highly relevant and respectable interested parties.
This year, for the first time, MIPRO organized Cloud Day, dedicated to challenges and uncertainties regardingcloud computing. Ericsson’s technology and achievements in the area were successfully presented by Josip Dulj, Head of core networks and cloud computing, and Andrea Budin, ICT for Industry&Society Manager. Lastly, we would like to mention something that is no less important for such a convention, which has been held for many years and needs some extra effort to rejuvenate itself. In addition to familiar faces among those interested in impact analysis and using ICT development for potential economic and social improvements, there was a great number of young people from different segments of the society gathered in one place.
However, even though over all these years there has been, and still is, room for improvement, this part of the story remains in the ‘priceless’ category.
Read more: www.mipro.hr
Company Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla