Ericsson Nikola Tesla: ICT and education against hypertension
May 23, 2016
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company formally joined the marking of World Hypertension Day. In the city center in Zagreb, at Cvjetni trg, an event under the motto “Know your Blood Pressure” was held and attended by a great number of people interested in the occasion. The initiative was supported by Health Minister Dario Nakić as well.
Numerous citizens visited exhibition stands, where they could collect useful information on hypertension, its symptoms, possibilities of its prevention and treatment. They could also check their blood pressure and blood sugar level.
Seeing as high blood pressure is one of the leading risk factor causes of death in Croatia, as well as in the entire world, and seeing as hypertension is mostly caused by inadequate nutrition, physical inactivity, and obesity, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company creates educational videos that are available to everyone, to help the citizens to live healthier and better lives.
You can watch the videos using the QR code available on this page, or directly on Ericsson Nikola Tesla YouTube Channel (hr). In this way, you can learn how to assume an active role in preventing this serious disease, which can quietly, over many years, without any noticeable symptoms, cause a great deal of harm to your body.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications