Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice in the Segment of Care for Employees

October 3, 2014

Within the project “CSR for ALL“ (“Corporate Social Responsibility for All“), co-financed by the European Union,  and conducted by the local partner, the Croatian Employers’ Association, the awards for the examples of good CSR practice in Croatia were awarded.  Ericsson Nikola Tesla won the award for the best CSR practice in the segment of care for employees.

Within the project “CSR for ALL“ (“Corporate Social Responsibility for All“), co-financed by the European Union,  and conducted by the International Organization of Employers  (IOE) and employer umbrella organizations from Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania and Turkey, the awards for the examples of good CSR practice in Croatia were presented. Ericsson Nikola Tesla won the award for the best CSR practice in the segment of care for employees.

In the presence of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipović, the awards for the corporate social responsibility practices in the segments concerning the care for employees, community and the environment in the categories of small, medium and large companies were presented. Furthermore, a Grand Award was presented to the company which, in line with the projects submitted, best implements the CSR principles in all three segments. President Josipović stated: “As it was demonstrated, the companies that implement corporate social responsibility, show greater resistance to crisis and have long term sustainable competitive advantage.”  The President also advocated for a stronger application of corporate social responsibility principles in Croatia.

The awards ceremony was preceded by a competition in which CEA (HUP) received more than a hundred applications.  The winners were chosen by a five-member panel, consisting of the representatives of employers, trade union and the Academia.   

The President of Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Gordana Kovačević, received the valuable award for a complex program of caring for employees.  In her thank you note, addressing numerous distinguished guests and representatives of the media, she stated that the key for Ericsson Nikola Tesla long-term successful business performance are the professional, motivated and happy employees.

Commenting on the award won, Gordana Kovačević stated: “In a challenging and competitive ICT industry, it is important to attract and keep the talents and to encourage employees to an innovative way of working and lifelong learning, because their knowledge and innovativeness enables creating modern ICT solutions for the networked society. I am proud that, by building and continuously improving the motivating working environment and caring for the employee health and satisfaction, we have achieved a positive and motivating company culture and top results. ”

Gordana Kovačević

Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla