Vipnet first in Europe to implement Ericsson’s PSI system for additional energy savings on base stations
February 26, 2014
Mobile World Congress in Barcelona saw yesterday Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Vipnet presenting the revolutionary PSI system for saving energy used by base stations. Already in its test phase the system showed greater performance and coverage than any other classic solutions for base stations which use renewable energy sources. This system recorded additional 40 to 50 percent energy savings.
Pronounced seasonality of Croatian tourism, as well as the increase of the number of smartphone users and the explosion of data traffic usage on Croatian territory, require significant increase of the capacity of mobile network in certain locations, especially on the Adriatic coast. Based on the growing need for development of mobile broadband, Vipnet has continually been working on the development of ecologically acceptable power network systems, which proved to be useful in remote and inaccessible locations. Still, the continuous upgrade and new technology implementation are surpasses current capacities. Given the fact the base stations that use wind and sun energy no longer produce enough electrical energy to expand on the 3G technology, a technical solution for effective upgrade of the system through which base stations would be able to use renewable sources and yet produce enough electrical energy, was needed. By analysing possible solutions on the market, Vipnet decided to test the PSI system implemented in cooperation with Ericsson Nikola Tesla. The solution was developed in Sweden and was not applied by any company in the world up to the moment of implementation. Gordana Kovačević, Ericsson Nikola Tesla President commented: “ I am pleased that our longtime partner, Vipnet, once again showed its innovativeness and technological leadership, by choosing a cost- efficient Ericsson PSI Coverage solution, which we, working closely with Vipnet experts, implemented among the first in the world, and as a debut in Europe. This specific Ericsson green solution is a result of expert innovativeness and brings significant energy savings, thus confirming our focus on corporate social responsibility.” In comparison with the classic base station which use alternative sources of energy, the main advantage of Ericsson’s PSI system is that one radio unit substitutes three radio units, which automatically means more energy savings. – This project is a logical continuation of our perennial aspirations in the field of energy efficient business for which we already received two global awards from the telecom industry. We are happy and motivated that the project was recognized on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and in the cooperation with our longtime partner Ericsson Nikola Tesla – said Mladen Pejković, Vipnet’s CEO. Based on testing results, Vipnet implemented the PSI system for the first time in the summer of 2013 on nine locations along the Adriatic coast: Vinišće near the city of Split, as well as on the islands of Hvar, Brač, Šolta, Dugi Otok, Žut and Pag. This way Vipnet achieved 3G coverage on the locations that record significant increase in data traffic during the tourist season. It was precisely Barcelona 2012 where Vipnet’s innovative system of hybrid base stations was presented and was immediately acknowledged with two prestigious rewards, Global Telecom Business Award and World Communication Award. Besides three hybrid base stations, Vipnet currently has 50 transmitters and 13 base stations that use the energy of the sun and wind for producing electrical energy. Vipnet Corporate CommunicationsCommunications Ericsson Nikola Tesla