e-Health in Armenia
January 29, 2014
Ericsson Nikola Tesla was chosen by the Government of the Republic of Armenia to implement the Integrated Health Information System (IHISA) (e-Health System). National e-health system brings benefits to patients, medical institutions, insurance companies and economy. Utilizing ICT potential in healthcare system will ensure integral medical services for the citizens of Armenia.
Urbanization entails significant changes in our living standards, lifestyles, and health. With the support of ICT solutions, today’s health challenges might be tackled in a more efficient and transformative way. Utilizing ICT to improve national healthcare system has been adopted on the global agenda and more countries are joining this initiative to build patient centered National e-Health systems.
Government Staff of Republic of Armenia and Foreign Financing Projects Management Center of the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Armenia selected Ericsson Nikola Tesla (ZSE: ERNT-R-A), part of the Ericsson Group, to supply and implement the Integrated Health Information System in Armenia.
This pilot project is aimed at modernization of health system via implementing modern information and communication technologies with the purpose of improving the quality of public health and achieving increase of citizens’ satisfaction with the health system. Implementation of the Integrated Health Information System involves rolling out of Central Hospital Information System (CHIS) and Central Healthcare Unified System (CHUS)
Arthur Ghulyan, Director of e-Governance Infrastructure Implementation Unit CJSC (EKENG CJSC), Armenia: “The project implementation is supposing universal modernization of health system in Armenia via implementing modern information and communication technologies providing high-quality, safe, available and cost-effective medical services to the society with the purpose of improving the quality of public health and achieving increase of citizens’ satisfaction with the health system. Currently, EKENG CJSC and Ericsson Nikola Tesla are jointly implementing IHISA project in Armenia.”
Robert Puškarić, President Ericsson Northern Europe and Central Asia: “Integrated Health Information System, is one of the most important infrastructure solutions ensuring healthcare information integrity and effective usage on the national level. The ICT sector has been supporting the digital transformation of healthcare around the world for more than 15 years and we have been many evidences how e-Health can improve the quality and equity of health service.”
Gordana Kovačević, President Ericsson Nikola Tesla: “Our experts have put a lot of knowledge, experience and innovative approach into creating and developing of e-Health system and we are recognized as e-Health driver within our global organization. This system will improve the quality of life of Armenian citizens, as well as it will bring efficiency in the Armenian health ecosystem. In this way, we contribute to Ericsson’s technology leadership and vision of the networked society.”
The pilot project which is expected to be accomplished in 95 weeks will involve 6 healthcare subjects (hospitals and insurance institutions). This is a type of private cloud solution which provides additional opportunities for the further expansion.
This cooperation reflects Ericsson ongoing commitment to bring its technological leadership for the benefits of healthcare. Ericsson Nikola Tesla has been focused on this area for more than a decade and developed and successfully implemented integrated information healthcare system on national level in Croatia.
Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla