Attracting Attention as a Positive Example

January 23, 2014

Besides the successful performance, the company is well known in public as caring for young people. On Tuesday, Jan. 21 a group of undergraduates studying management and entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics and Tourist Trade in Pula, and the undergraduates studying business informatics at Vern, University of Applied Science, accompanied by their professors, visited the company.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla business strategy covers high standards and the best practice of a socially responsible performance, thus driving positive changes in the society in which it operates. The area in which the good quality contribution of the company becomes apparent is the collaboration with the academic society.

Among other things for which the company recognized in public is caring one for young people so, it is not strange that numerous faculties show their interest to learn about its way of working, business activities, organization, etc. Thus, on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014 a group of undergraduates studying management and entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Economics and Tourist Trade in Pula, as well as undergraduates studying business informatics at Vern, University of Applied Science, accompanied by their professors, visited the company.

The Assistant prof. DSc Darko Huljenić, the company expert in charge for collaboration with the scientific community, who is also an associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, started the presentation with a kind of the company identity card, its business activities and history, and continued with a review on a high quality cooperation with faculties. 

Students were particularly interested in innovations, which was the topic explained in details by Hrvoje Hadžić, innovations manager. Good elaboration of the innovation policy and motivating innovations culture resulted, so far, in about a thousand innovative ideas per year, which is inevitably due to a permanent work and high level of awareness on the importance of innovations for the future of the company. 

The visit ended by touring the Technology Road dedicated to Ericsson vision of the networked society in which an important role was given to some Ericsson Nikola Tesla solutions, such as eHealth, eCall, JIS for Land Registry, Green Laboratory, etc. 

Positive impressions, with which the students left the company, can be illustrated by the enquiry they put in the end of their visit and it referred to the possibility of being employed with the company.

Communications Ericsson Nikola Tesla