Prime Minister Zoran Milanović visited Ericsson Nikola Tesla

November 20, 2013

The delegation of the Republic of Croatia, headed by the Prime Minister, Zoran Milanović, who was accompanied by DSc Siniša Hajdaš Dončić,  the Minister of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, and Assoc. Prof. DSc Željko Jovanović,  Minister of Science, Education and Sports and other  associates, paid a working visit to Ericsson Nikola Tesla.

Gordana Kovačević, MSc, Ericsson Nikola Tesla President, and her associates welcomed the distinguished guests and presented the company activities. Ericsson Nikola Tesla contribution to the Republic of Croatia’s Economy is evident through a long term stable business performance and significant export volume. During the visit, the Company’s business plans and activities were also discussed, highlighting the expansion of research and development activities, as well as responsibilities added in the global organization and hiring young highly educated experts.  One should underline that Ericsson Nikola Tesla is the Croatian leading exporter of knowledge, and during this year, up to 150 highly educated experts will be hired. And just the investment into research, development and innovation is the key for the further development of our country, thus enabling benefits from ICT technologies, which make business performance more efficient and ease the living of the Croatian citizens. Gordana Kovačević also underlined the collaboration with the government institutions on big infrastructure projects such as Public Health System and other projects of significance to the Croatian citizens.

After discussions, the guests were invited to take a tour around the company, during which the company networked society solutions were presented, as well as the company lab, popularly called “The Green Lab”, due to innovation, which enables the leading world operators to execute network testing, with a minimum of power consumption.

By successfully implementing eCall, an emergency call initiated from the vehicle when a traffic accident occurs, the company, as a technological partner, has a prominent role in this pan European project, called HeERO. It is estimated that this system, once implemented, will save approximately 2500 human lives per year in Europe, and reduce the consequences of accidents for drivers and passengers by 15% , because it will enable a faster reaction of emergency services, that will be able to easier access the scene of the accident within the “Golden hour”. 

Ericsson Nikola Tesla contribution has been significant in the eHealth segment, having in mind that this solution was implemented on a national level. In the Public Health System, the range of benefits for patients is already obvious, as well as the significant savings in the Public Health segment. It is interesting to mention that from launching the use of this application till the end of this year, the number of issued 100 ePerscriptions will reach 100 million. The Company solutions in the mHealth segment, which by using the most quality Bluetooth medical sensors, Ericsson Mobile Health (EMH) gateway and backend system, offers accessibility of patients’ medical data to health care personnel, regardless of the location, were also presented.

They also mentioned the company’s activities concerning the Joint Information System for Land Registry and Cadastre (JIS), which by expansion of services through the implementation of public access, puts the Croatian citizens in focus. By implementing a portal “One stop service” the citizens will be provided the service they need, by communicating with one body of public legal authority only, although such a service may require activities by several bodies of public authorities. This is in line with the tendencies of the EU that is trying to reduce the legal barriers and simplify the administrative procedure and the citizens’ and business entities contact with the bodies of public authority. 

Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company Communications