Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group / 8
Annual Report on Group performance / 12
Business responsibilities and activities / 14
Products and services / 15
Sales by markets / 16
Scientific and research activities / 18
Important events / 20
Membership in associations / 22
2017 financial highlights / 23
Financial performance in 2017 / 26
Information for shareholders / 27

Non-Financial Report
Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group – in brief / 32
About the non-financial report / 32
25 years of leadership in sustainable development / 34
Statement by the President / 36
Statement by the Director of Marketing and Communications (incl. CSR) / 37
We contribute to the achievement of global goals / 38
We have a positive impact and mitigate risks / 40
Digital transformation goes on / 42
We create new values together with stakeholders / 44
We are focused on material topics / 46
Business responsibility
Doing business responsibly – every activity matters / 50
Corporate governance / 52
We respect human rights / 58
Our focus is on the right to privacy / 60
Sales process includes the respect for human rights / 61
Zero tolerance for corruption / 62
Responsible sourcing is our priority / 63
Taking care of the employees’ health and occupational safety / 64
It all starts with people / 67
Diversity and inclusion / 70
Our approach to learning / 72
Facts and figures / 73
Environmental responsibility
ICT reduces climate change / 78
Products and services with a positive impact on the environment / 79
We are building a low-carbon future / 80
Environmental impact of our activities / 81
We are closing the cycle – we reduce waste / 82
Education – part of the responsibility towards the environment / 83
Social responsibility
Social responsibility / 86
Education – we are narrowing the digital gap / 87
Partnerships for socioeconomic development / 89
Helping the community / 90
Access to health via technology / 92
Objectives, achievements and indicators
Collaborate with us / 96
Awards and recognitions / 97
Objectives and achievements / 98
Statement on the application of the Code of Corporate Governance / 100
The ten principles of the UN Global Compact / 101
GRI index / 102

Profile of the Parent Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) / 109
Responsibilities of the Management and Supervisory Boards
for the preparation and approval of the annual consolidated
financial statements / 111
Independent Auditor’s Report / 112
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income / 118
Consolidated statement of financial position / 119
Consolidated statement of changes in equity / 121
Consolidated statement of cash flows / 122
Notes to the consolidated financial statements / 124

Company profile / 171
Responsibilities of the Management and Supervisory Boards
for the preparation and approval of the annual financial
statements / 173
Independent Auditor’s Report / 174
Statement of comprehensive income / 180
Statement of financial position / 181
Statement of changes in equity / 183
Statement of cash flows / 184
Notes to the financial statements / 186