Advanced traffic solutions

Ericsson Nikola Tesla, with its advanced traffic solutions provides an efficient and a reliable answer to the challenges of modern traffic, such as efficient management and traffic optimization on all levels, safety of all traffic participants, managing crisis and incident situations, multimodal transport, power efficiency, environmental protection and appropriate reduction of greenhouse gas emission.


Advanced solutions for traffic systems, called Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a set of technological and business solutions, which aim to achieve an efficient, reliable, safe and clean transport of passengers and goods. ITS system is based on modern ICT technologies, successfully integrated into the existing classic technology systems in transport.

Ericsson Nikola Tesla solutions can be individual solutions or can be successfully implemented into the already existing classical solutions of roads monitoring and management, thus significantly improving their characteristics. All the solutions have been developed in full compliance with international standards and the corresponding regulations concerning Transportation Segment of the Republic of Croatia and the European Union.

Applying the Company ITS Solutions enables new functionalities of the intelligent transportation systems solutions

Systems for traffic management in cities

Transport Information Systems with advanced data analytics

Solutions for national access points according to EU directives

Road, railway, maritime and river transport management, communications and monitoring solutions

Managing transport in incident situations

Managing Public Transport systems

Advanced power efficiency and roads permeability solutions and reduction of pollution and greenhouse gas emission

Advanced  vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication solutions

Geoinformation browsers for traffic data


Ericsson Nikola Tesla is an active member of the pan European project HeERO (Harmonised eCall EuRopean pilOts), which has a goal to evaluate and validate the eCall service set norms and specifications within the national pilot-projects framework. Throughout the public mobile network corresponding upgrade, i.e. the Call Center, Ericsson Nikola Tesla provides a complete eCall service support. During the three year pan European project HeERO, in which the testing and the verification was completed, as well as the validation of the chain within the eCall service, it was established that the system is fully operational and ready for commissioning.

Media coverage

EuroNews media footage
e-Call Award
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