Use of innovative potential of urban ecosystems (Urban-inno)

The aim of the project was to create a digital interactive system that enables citizens to participate in the decision-making process related to the use of public infrastructure. The interactive online platform contains three main components.

First is a collaborative platform that ensures communication and interaction with citizens: collection of ideas, evaluation, ranking, publication of results, etc.
The second component is a platform for the presentation and processing of spatial data that serves to identify available and vacant real estate owned by the city, their mapping and connection with the ideas and suggestions of citizens.
The last component is an analysis and reporting platform that serves to present results to interested parties.

Citizen Collaboration Platform (CCP) is a facilities management system that will identify all available real estate owned by the city selected for the project (in Croatia it is the City of Rijeka), the possibilities and functionality of all available infrastructures and enable interaction with citizens in order to find the best scenarios for the use of these spaces for public purposes and for the general benefit of citizens.

CCP is a digital interactive system that enables citizens to participate in the decision-making process related to the use of public infrastructure.

Spatial placement of available city spaces enables greater transparency of data for citizens and their greater involvement in the process of shaping content in the city.

Dialogue between city administration and interested citizens is enabled throughout the entire process, which realizes the vision of a smart city.

CCP ensures the improvement of the process of interaction with citizens and non-governmental organizations in gathering ideas, as well as a simpler, faster and digitally controlled identification of appropriate public spaces, their mapping and merging with citizens’ suggestions and opinions.

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