Price blocks

Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Akteracija d.o.o. and the Zavod za fotogrametriju d.d. (Institute for Photogrammetry) created a cartographic representation of the initial state of price blocks for the entire Republic of Croatia for the needs of the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets (at the time called Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning).

Price blocks represent the smallest spatial unit where approximately the same level of sale and purchase prices is achieved for properties with approximately the same characteristics. They are the fundamental basis for creating a plan of approximate values (an integral part of eReal Estate together with a collection of sale and purchase prices) in accordance with the provisions of Article 12(3) and Article 20(3) of the Property Valuation Act (Official Gazette No. 78/2015).

A total of 16,934 price blocks were created and their implementation in the eReal Estate system made it possible to capture data of selected types of real estate within a given price block of a specific purpose. During the formation of each individual price block, special attention was paid to the method of creation, i.e. it was planned that the largest part of the area covered by the price block has the same characteristics so that the high homogeneity of characteristics significantly facilitates the management of the collection of sale and purchase prices, increases its transparency and provides an additional possibility of easier search and retrieval of necessary data to authorized system users.

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