JIS Upgrade – establishment of special legal regimes
The project contracted with the State Geodetic Administration is an upgrade of the Joint Information System (JIS) with the aim of supporting the records of special legal regimes, which is a prerequisite for efficient and transparent management of protected areas in the Republic of Croatia. The contract was financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion. As part of this project, new functionalities will be created in the JIS system which are necessary for recording special legal regimes on cadastral plots. Real estate located in areas subject to special legal regimes (e.g. national parks, etc.) have particular cultural, historical, economic and ecological significance for the Republic of Croatia and are under special protection. For this reason, it is necessary to know exactly which real estate and areas are involved. As part of the original project, protected areas with a total area of​ 435,000 ha will be recorded. The bases that will serve as the starting point for registration in the cadastral register will be created by the surveyor with the help of the manager of protected areas. This data will be processed and stored in the JIS system through special business processes. Within the framework of our project, services created based on this data will enable various state institutions to view and download data from these new records. Also, the areas of special legal regimes will be made visible to all the citizens of the Republic of Croatia on the OSS portal (https://oss.uredjenazemlja.hr). Upon completion of the project, everyone will be able to find their real estate on the OSS portal’s graphic browser and check whether it is located in one of the protected areas (national parks, nature parks and strict reserves).