Development of new technologies for creating 4D intelligent infrastructure in smart cities (4DII)

Documentation of the current state of utility infrastructure is a prerequisite for the correct evaluation of utility infrastructure and future investments. Current data is incoherent and of poor quality, and data recording procedures are slow and very expensive. Collecting data using classic methods can take decades, which is completely unacceptable and can have a disastrous effect on the realization of new investments of any kind. The lack of information about above and below ground infrastructure complicates not only investment processes but maintenance and intervention on installations as well, which is a large and unnecessary expense for private, public or utility companies owned by local self-government units. Utility infrastructure is a very important element of development of any area, almost every intervention in the area is connected with it, and in most cases, development is practically impossible without it. Collected and edited data on utility infrastructure is an important set of data in the effective management of systems that base their services on the safety and availability of infrastructure.

The introduction of new technologies enables significant acceleration of the process of data collection and interpretation, as well as efficient records and management of above and below ground utility infrastructure.

The project Smart City 4D Intelligent Infrastructure (4DII) will examine, research and develop a system for efficient management of utility infrastructure. The goal is to use an innovative system to enable recording and managing a wide range of infrastructure-related data, from the location and characteristics of each individual infrastructure, socio-economic indicators and security aspects for critical infrastructures.

Proper management of infrastructure and space requires accurate spatio-temporal records of infrastructure and tools to manage it. Currently, there is no record of the entire infrastructure. What is recorded in the majority of cases does not fully meet the existing requirements, and the existing tools available on the global market do not provide possibilities to manage the spatio-temporal component of infrastructure.

It is in the interest of all infrastructure managers and regional and local self-government units to manage the infrastructure as efficiently as possible in order to reduce costs, increase infrastructure efficiency, attract investments and provide the best possible service to the users.

The development project of 4D Intelligent Infrastructure will contribute to better infrastructure management and result in the improvement of processes, methodologies and services for the collection, processing, display and spatio-temporal analysis of infrastructure data.

The quality of data is very important for efficient management of utility infrastructure. Therefore, the project will develop methodologies for collecting four-dimensional (three-dimensional space + time) data on utility infrastructure. As part of the project, the proposed methodologies will be researched, tested, confirmed and compared with the current situation in order to demonstrate the increased accuracy and quality of the application of new methods and tools.

The aim is that the Smart City 4DII information system enables inventory, planning, management, documentation and analysis of utility infrastructure data with its modules by integrating different aspects of data.

The quality of utility infrastructure directly affects the quality of service and delivery of products to end customers, and therefore it is necessary to monitor socio-economic and technical-economic indicators. The project will research, test and confirm the capabilities of newly developed modules for socio-economic and technical-economic monitoring and data analysis.

The project goals are also to:

Within the security module, solutions for receiving alarm information, video surveillance and system management will be researched, tested and confirmed, and a program platform for sending mass messages and notifications in crisis situations will be tested.

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