Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia

Smart solutions for faster health information exchange

The development of the Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia began with a scientific research project in 2002. Ericsson Nikola Tesla was contracted by the Government of the Republic of Croatia for the delivery of the System the following year, and subsequently for maintenance and continuous upgrading of the System. The Central Information Health System, connecting healthcare providers in Croatia has been in production since February 2007, As per the Act on Health Data and Information of 2019, all exchange of health information within Croatia must take place through the Central Information Health System.

Over the years, the System enabled digitalization and transformation of numerous processes in healthcare and made healthcare more accessible to patients. A large part of the System’s services is made of integration interfaces that enable the communication of other systems and their users, which makes the Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia a national integration platform for all other information systems and applications in the country. Among different applications available to end users, we highlight the following two:

The Central Information Health System of the Republic of Croatia is used daily by healthcare professionals across the whole country.

The web version of the Health Portal is used by over 800,000 people and is one of the most popular services within the Government’s eCitizens Portal (Source: e-Građani – statistika – Skupovi podаtаkа – CKAN (gov.hr)).

An Overview of the Most Important Functionalities of the Central Information Health System of Croatia Services and Applications

HL7 – Health Level Seven International
FHIR – Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
IHE – Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise

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