Company governance

All members of Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group use an integrated management system based on the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. The system aims to fully meet the requirements regarding the quality of products, services, solutions and processes, and the requirements for environmental protection, occupational health and safety.
The Quality, environmental and occupational health and safety policy is applied to the operations of ENT Group members as the main document.
The processes and activities within the integrated management system, together with the procedures and other documents of the system that define a clearly established scope and sequence of activities, the corresponding responsibilities, authorities and verification methods, are documented in the ENT Group integrated management system manual (Cro). Corporate governance is a term that describes the framework of operations and supervision of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla. Its objective is to create long-term economic value for shareholders.
Ericsson Nikola Tesla’s Managing Director and Supervisory Board continuously support the observance of fundamental principles of corporate governance to ensure the protection of shareholders’ rights and equality, business transparency and responsibility towards all stakeholders. Ericsson Nikola Tesla pays great attention to informing the community about its activities and business results in a timely and objective manner, and nurtures the positive image of a company which implements a Code of Ethics.
The principles of corporate governance in Ericsson Nikola Tesla, which you can download from the link below, are based on the Republic of Croatia’s legislature and recommendations from the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
Our Code of Business Ethics defines how we do business on a global level and is available at the bottom of the page. We are strongly committed to being always compliant with the laws and out internal regulations; we have zero tolerance for corruption and with our customers, partners, employees, suppliers, shareholders and other stakeholders we continuously work on building and maintaining trust and credibility.
Reporting Compliance Concerns
We encourage our employees to report any conduct that they believe, in good faith, to be a violation of the Code of Business Ethics to their manager or in accordance with locally established procedure. If the manager is involved in the situation or cannot or has not adequately addressed the concerns, employees are advised to report it to a manager of higher rank.
Persons other than employees, such as suppliers, customers and other partners involved with Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group*, may report suspected violations of laws or the Code of Business Ethics to the local operations manager or in accordance with locally established procedure.
Sometimes it is not appropriate or relevant to report in accordance with the above as well as when the compliance concern involves group or local management and relates to: corruption, questionable accounting or auditing matters, or matters that might seriously affect vital interests of Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group or personal health and safety.
Therefore, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group provides its employees and external stakeholders a dedicated communication channel – Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group’s Compliance Line for reporting such serious compliance concerns.
This Compliance Line is available 24/7/365. Reports can be made in the following languages: Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Montenegrin and English. Reports can be submitted via a user-friendly reporting system. After the report is submitted, the application anonymizes the senders’ IP addresses and delivers all messages to the Compliance Officer of the Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group.
All reports will be treated as anonymous and confidential. All concerns are taken seriously and appropriate actions will be taken on each report. Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group will not accept any discrimination of or retaliation against individuals who report compliance concerns in good faith. Reporting compliance concerns to a manager or via the Compliance Line is not compulsory and no individual disciplinary actions will be based on not using it.
To make a report online please click here: Compliance Line: Report a compliance concern.
- *Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group includes Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. as the mother company and all affiliated companies of Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.
**Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. is the data controller for personal data processed with regard to the ENTG Compliance Line.
Reporting irregularities pursuant to the Act for the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities
In accordance with the applicable regulations, in the ENT Group (for the companies Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Ericsson Nikola Tesla Servisi d.o.o. and Libratel) it is also possible to report irregularities internally: actions or omissions that are illegal and refer to the scope of application and regulations specified in Article 4 of the Act for the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities, or are in conflict with the aim or purpose of those regulations. The scope of Article 4 from the Act for the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities refers to the following:
- irregularities included in the scope of the European Union acts listed in Part I of the Annex to the Act, which refer to the following areas:
- public procurement
- financial services, products and markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financingavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma
- product safety and conformity
- traffic safety
- environmental protection
- radiation protection and nuclear safety
- food and feed safety, animal health and welfare
- public health
- consumer protection
- protection of privacy and personal data as well as security of network and information systems.
- irregularities which affect the financial interests of the European Union as specified in Article 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and additionally established in the relevant measures of the European Union
- irregularities pertaining to the internal market, as stated in Article 26(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, including violations of the European Union rules on market competition and state aid, as well as violations related to the internal market in relation to actions that violate the rules on profit tax or arrangements the purpose of which is to achieve a tax advantage that is contrary to the aim or purpose of the applicable legislation on income tax; and
- irregularities which refer to other provisions of national law if the public interest is endangered by such violation.
For more information on the procedure of internal reporting of irregularities, we refer to the Bylaws on Internal Reporting of Irregularities published below for individual companies in the ENT Group.
- Articles of Association Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.
- Corporate Governance Principles of Ericsson Nikola Tesla
- Rules of Procedure of Ericsson Nikola Tesla Supervisory Board
- Ericsson Nikola Tesla Audit Committee Charter
- Exhibit A to the ETK Audit Committee Charter – Pre-Approval Policy
- Code of Business Ethics
- Policy on Management of Conflict of Interest
- Code of Conduct for Business Partners
- Bylaw on Internal Reporting of Irregularities Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d.
- Decision of ENT on the Appointment of the Person of Confidence and Deputy Person of Confidence
- Bylaw on Internal Reporting of Irregularities Ericsson Nikola Tesla Servisi d.o.o.
- Decision of EHR on the Appointment of the Person of Confidence and Deputy Person of Confidence
- Decision of Libratel on the Appointment of the Person of Confidence and Deputy Person of Confidence
- Bylaw on Internal Reporting of Irregularities Libratel